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1:54am 11-13-2022
Fellow Doom and Quake enjoyer. Salute.
12:22am 11-13-2022
Hal Wilkerson
Hal here, wanted to say this is a great website . P.S
4:49pm 11-07-2022
good luck with your web site!!! i have just started making one as well!!!
i also!!! love DS games!!! i was going to tell you my favorite DS game but!!!
i've been thinking about it for about 5 minutes and i couldn't decide.
there's a lot of good ones!!! too many to pick!!! i hope you have a good day!!!
10:47pm 09-14-2022
*takes a tot and dips it in ketchup*
5:33pm 09-10-2022
Walter White
My name is Walter Hartwell White. I live at 308 Negra Aroya Lane, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87104.